1. The first tool
that WE/I used was, drawing because in order to improve the
students’ listening skill, we brought some pictures for them to play with that.
The activity was that a student was going to have the picture, and there were
going to be three more students who were going to draw in the board by
listening to all the details that the first students gave. By this activity the
students could practice and guess the words or adjectives that the first
student was saying.
Telling stories
another activity that we applied in the classroom, not exactly with a really
long story, but sometimes narrating events or details of a story. Doing this,
we could get the students´ attention, and at the same time we could know how
well they understood the instructions.
Puppets: we use puppets to
help the students to feel confident to talk, and also to tell them some
important aspects about the class or the topic. We already had some designed
puppets because of the presentation that we performed in which we used puppets,
so we didn´t spend money on that.
Songs: that was a really important
tool that we applied, because nowadays it´s something that children love to do,
and they learn and get the information in a better way through a song. In many
opportunities, we used songs to complement the information about the topics
like: body parts, family members, colors, numbers, days of the week, etc.
Visual aids: some of the most useful and
common visual aids are: pictures, images, flashcards, charts, drawings, etc. we
tried to apply almost all of those in our classes because we know that children
learn mostly by seeing.
Useful tool
Useless tool
Mime stories
This is a good
tool, you don’t spend a lot of money and at the same time you let your
students develop their imagination.
Paper dolls
It´s simple, sometimes a little bit difficult if you don´t have the
ability to design them, but it works a lot.
Listen for the mistakes
Students develop the ability to hear carefully to the words and
English corner
Sometimes it could be hard or complex because maybe you are not
allowed to change or decorate the classroom
Pictures cards
Students learn English by seeing
and it´s a very good idea to teach to children.
Children love to sing especially when it´s about things that they
like, they learn faster with these activities in our context.
Board games
We should look for some other ways to teach not just using the board
because it´s kind of traditional
Reading stories
This could a little bit difficult for students who can´t read very
well or the ones who get lost while they read.
These ones are really useful, the students love guessing the right
option in our context, so they will love it.
Creating a mascot
Sometimes there are some students who get scared when they see an animal
or a clown
These will help you a lot in your context, you can design your own
puppets and children will pay attention to them
Word/sentence Card
This can be applied in a very good way in the classroom, in this way
Ss get familiar with vocabulary and
new words.
Make three
collages of the nine TVYL presentations (pics). Reflect upon the top three
chapters you would incorporate in your own practicum and you would leave the
others aside.
Reflection upon
the top three chapters
I will incorporate the chapter 1 “the young language
learner” because it gives a general view about the process of learning English
in which the students are. It is really
helpful since I didn’t know why students make some things and that chapter
clarified my doubts. So, I as a future teacher, I am going to be aware of many
attitudes that students can show according to their age.
· I am really interested in chapter number 2 “class
management and atmosphere” because it was very useful for me since I learnt
several things about the correct attitude that I had to have. Also, it gave
some tips and advices about how to create a good environment in my classroom
for example using some arrangements of desks, attitudes, and other.
And chapter 8 called “planning your work” was very
interesting since I learnt to plan all the activities to manage very well my
class. It was about planning in three stages for example long term planning,
short term planning, and lesson planning.
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