Student’s name: Marcia Elisa Chicas Rivas
In this course, I could learn many things and I am so happy for that, I could engage in various activities and discussions that I did in the classroom. I have learnt some topics that they were useful in my teaching practicum at kindergarten as well.
I have read a lot of handouts and materials that contain important information that is going to help when I become a teacher, So I will apply some techniques that I used in some demo class and presentations.
On one hand, to read books were interesting for me because I discovered that I like to read. This course helps me to use some platforms, such as: Edmodo, powtoon and blogger as well. And I know that I can use those platforms in the future.
On the other hand, the teacher always helped us when we needed her help. Sometimes, It was difficult for me to do some of the activities because I was so busy doing other things of other subjects, But I tried to them.
In addition, this course have helped me to discover that I really want to be a teacher, it was a good experience because I could increase my vocabulary with new expressions, phrases, acronyms related with the education.
         The teacher evaluated us in different ways, such as: presentations, quizzes online, demo class, discussions in order to measure our abilities. In fact, I need to be prepare to become a productive teacher in this this 21st Century.
From my point of view, I want to put into practice principles, techniques, activities and methods that I learnt in this course to apply them in the real word when I become a teacher.
Finally, this course gave me the opportunity to reflect upon my own practice and upgrade and update my knowledge of the English Language teaching and learning principles.
Student’s name: Jennifer Vargas Martinez
In this course, I learnt a lot since I learnt about the classroom management, different techniques, and others.  I learnt a lot of good tips to teach very young learners and I could put them into practice. For example:  in my English practices, in my presentations, and in my demo classes.
I am very satisfied with my performance in this course because I pushed myself a lot to deliver the assignments on time. 
I consider my performance in this course very good but as everybody has I have some things to change. Perhaps, I could be more responsible and behave better in classes.  But I did my best and I had good results in my evaluations. I always tried to pay attention and to participate in the classroom.
This subject was very meaningful for me because I learnt so many things that I didn’t know. Also, it helped me a lot because I have never had to speak in English in presentations. And in this subject I had to do it several times. It was very good for me since I am not afraid anymore to talk in English in public. 
This course was excellent for me since the teacher kept us very busy. She wanted us to do our best. Also, the teacher was very kind and offered us her help. The teacher helped us when we had problems in our teaching practice. Besides, she was open to hear opinions.
In my opinion, she gave us the tools to be better teachers so that is why I am very grateful. I wish to manage the language as she does, I wish to be a teacher like her since it was very respectful with us and helped as when we had some difficulties.  
Each activity in this course had a purpose and I recommend the teacher to continue with the good work. 
Student’s name: Vanessa Ivette Pacheco Pacheco
During this course I learned many important things such as the role of a teacher and what teaching is, I really want to change the education that some publics schools have because children will be the future of our country and if we teach them bad things, the results will be bad too, and I hope to put all my knowledge into practice in my future teaching practices.
I really liked the way the teacher developed this course because she tried to find the best ways to teach us, and she tried to have a plan B when something got wrong in the class, that is something that I really want to put into practice when I become a teacher because she repeated many times that a good teacher always has to have a plan b because we don’t know what kind of problems can when we are teaching, so we have to be prepare to face any kind of problem.
Making presentations in this course helped me a lot because I was so nervous and shy when I have to present something some months ago, but during this course I made many presentations and now I don’t feel so nervous anymore when I have to speak in public. This is something that I really appreciate because that was one of my biggest problems some time ago and now I can say that I have improved that a lot.
Student’s name: Mirna Raquel Cruz Cordero
I think that I gave the best of me in this course. I am not perfect and I am not the best but I did my best. I have learned many new things I did not know before, like how to create or how to do a lesson plan. I also learned that teaching is not something easy; I have to work very hard because I will work with children.
At the beginning I was not very sure about the decision I made (to be a teacher), but now I know that I really made the best decision, because I love teaching. I think that this course was the best course I have taken and I would not change anything.
Student’s name :Jose Ernesto Calderon Leiva
In my case I think that this subject was and still is like the heart of the major and we can´t just avoid the subject, it is part of our future job as teachers and in my case I learned a lot of things since I read a lot of materials and those helped me a lot to have a general idea of what teaching is.
This subject was nice but sometimes it was really busy to prepare presentations for the next day, without having enough time to do it. But at the end we realized that it was what we needed to be a successful professional and to face any situation in our life as teachers.
I think that this subject taught me basic things about teaching, and also it made me ask myself if I really wanted to do that, I mean work as a teacher and deal with every type of situation.
I loved being in Didactic 1, and I think I´m prepared to start with the next, I hope to learn a lot and to get good grades. Didactic 1 was really nice.

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